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The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding


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The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
  • Law 1: The Law of Leadership: Be the first in your category.
  • Law 2: The Law of Category: Own a word in the prospect's mind.
  • Law 3: The Law of the Mind: It's all in the mind.
  • Law 4: The Law of Perception: Perception is reality.
  • Law 5: The Law of Focus: The most powerful concept in marketing.
  • Law 6: The Law of Exclusivity: The more you try to be everything to everyone, the more you become nothing to no one.
  • Law 7: The Law of the Ladder: Every brand is on a ladder.
  • Law 8: The Law of Duality: For every brand, there is an opposite brand.
  • Law 9: The Law of Opposites: If you're not first, be last.
  • Law 10: The Law of Division: The more you divide your audience, the more you conquer.
  • Law 11: The Law of Perspective: What's important to you is not necessarily important to your customer.
  • Law 12: The Law of Extension: The brand is the sum of all its products and services.
  • Law 13: The Law of Sacrifice: You can't be everything to everyone.
  • Law 14: The Law of Attributes: The brand is a collection of attributes.
  • Law 15: The Law of Consistency: The brand must be consistent in all its manifestations.
  • Law 16: The Law of Singularity: The brand must be unique.
  • Law 17: The Law of Relevance: The brand must be relevant to the customer.
  • Law 18: The Law of Credibility: The brand must be credible.
  • Law 19: The Law of Emotion: The brand must evoke emotion.
  • Law 20: The Law of Resonance: The brand must resonate with the customer.
  • Law 21: The Law of Endurance: The brand must endure over time.
  • Law 22: The Law of Legacy: The brand must leave a legacy.
ISBN: 978-0060007737 Categories: , Author:

Format: Paperback
Condition: New

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The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding $10.79
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