Advertising, Promotion, and other aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications 10thEdition
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Advertising: Principles and Practice, 10th Edition provides a comprehensive overview of advertising and its role in integrated marketing communications.
The book covers a wide range of topics, including advertising planning, creative development, media selection, and measurement.
It also includes case studies and examples from real-world advertising campaigns.
Promotion: Principles and Practice, 10th Edition provides a comprehensive overview of promotion and its role in integrated marketing communications.
The book covers a wide range of topics, including sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and digital marketing.
It also includes case studies and examples from real-world promotion campaigns.
Other aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications: The book also covers other aspects of integrated marketing communications, such as branding, customer relationship management, and social media marketing.
It provides a comprehensive overview of the IMC process and how it can be used to achieve marketing objectives.
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