- Title: Musashi's Book of Five Rings: The Definitive Interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi's Classic Book of Strategy
- Author: Miyamoto Musashi
- Format: Paperback
- Number of Pages: 128
- Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- ISBN: 978-1568364403
- Publisher: Shambhala Publications
- Publication Date: 2002
- Language: English
- Description: This book is a definitive interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi's classic book of strategy, The Book of Five Rings. It provides a clear and concise explanation of Musashi's teachings, making them accessible to a wide range of readers. The book is divided into five sections, each of which covers a different aspect of Musashi's philosophy. These sections include:
- The Way of the Warrior
- The Way of Strategy
- The Way of Tactics
- The Way of the Sword
- The Way of the Mind
- Benefits: This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about Musashi's teachings. It is also a great read for anyone interested in strategy, tactics, or the martial arts.
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