Shifting the Balance, Grades 3-5: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Upper Elementary Classroom
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Shifting the Balance, Grades 3-5: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Upper Elementary ClassroomIdea 1: Explicitly Teach Phonics Focus on decoding and encoding skills
Use multisensory activities and gamesIdea 2: Provide Ample Opportunities for Reading Encourage independent reading
Offer a variety of texts at different levelsIdea 3: Use Decodable Texts Select texts with controlled vocabulary and predictable patterns
Gradually increase text complexityIdea 4: Teach Fluency Practice reading aloud with expression
Use timed readings and repeated readingsIdea 5: Build Vocabulary Introduce new words through context and direct instruction
Use word walls and vocabulary gamesIdea 6: Foster Comprehension Teach comprehension strategies (e.g., summarizing, inferencing)
Use graphic organizers and discussion groups
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